Our New Website Launch
We’re excited to announce that we have completely redeveloped our website inside and out. We have organised pages of products and services to make sure you can access the information you need. You can now request a quote quickly, and easily, by completing our simple form at the top of the website. If you are required to fill out a credit account, we also have this as a quick and easy form on our website. We are available to be contacted at the touch of a button, on any of our website pages – please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

Our ‘Product’ pages now have a documents section, this is for all catalogues, manuals and other resources you can view and download as PDF files. If you’d like to get in touch with any of our staff we now have a ‘Meet the Team’ section – where you can see who you’re talking to and get their contact details. As you are reading this, you may have guessed we are now running a news section to our website, bringing you company and industry announcements. We hope by using our new website you have a better customer experience and would like to hear any feedback you have.